
We offer transparent pricing and discounts for all our global customers. Pricing is available on individual product pages and technical data / CAD pages.

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Tooling suppliers receive a 5% discount when noting the stamper’s name and location at the time of order.

Stampers receive a 50% discount if the tool is in production and the stamper purchasing the replacements was noted on the original new build sales order by the tooling supplier. Any nonreplacement product is eligible for a 5% discount.

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Because we manufacture and inventory 99% of all our products, we don’t have lead times and can ship as soon as you’d like us to. Global delivery in 6 days or less.

Yellow icon of a lightbulb
Innovative Die Component Solutions
Tapered pilot, rail lifter, guided keeper, pilot assembly, gas spring clamp


Our relentless pursuit to improve tooling performance has changed the game for numerous stampers and tooling suppliers around the world. We design and manufacture innovative products that increase tooling quality, add value in design and build, and maximize stamping uptime. With every new product, we strive to make a meaningful impact on the industry and the users we serve.

Yellow icon of a manufacturing press
Inside view of Standard Lifters facility

Superior manufacturing quality that upgrades performance

Standard Lifters' products simply perform better and last longer. Our designs are more robust, emphasizing greater strength, stiffness, and dimensional accuracy where it counts to deliver greater stamping precision and extended performance life.

In manufacturing, we use state-of-the art equipment and quality management programs for consistent product quality and precision. You’ll see the difference in far fewer stamping defects and more press uptime.

We’ve run these Ejectors in dies well past 8 million hits, and they never break a sweat. We require them in all our dies.

Sr. Tooling Engineer, Tier 1 Stamper

These are so slick. Drop in, tighten down, and you’re off. I like that we can use less of them due to their force vs. traditional ejectors that never last.

Designer, Tooling Supplier

These work so well; we’ll never go back to the old methods of oil break. Thanks for a simple and effective solution.

Tool Room Supervisor, Tier 1 Stamper

Using Standard Lifters’ Pilots, we rarely encounter parts wanting to stick and hang up on Pilots that are in the upper pads of the die. Surrounding your Pilots with built-in ejection was quite genius.

Shop Foreman, Tooling Supplier

We require Standard Lifters’ Pilots in all our dies built all over the world. They provide superior performance and commonality across all tooling and designs.

Sr. Tooling Engineer, Tier 1 Stamper

Standard Lifters’ Gas Spring Clamps are the easy choice when it comes to the innovative body containment, the simplified machining (taps only), and the unclamping for cylinder maintenance.

Shop Foreman, Tooling Supplier

SL clamps offer our tooling a simple yet mechanical clamping solution that can be easily accessed in-press. They work great, and we require them in all our builds.

Tooling Engineer, Tier 2 Stamper

These are saving us a lot of press downtime. Easy to unscrew and grab another one from the crib and then we can get back going again. I’d highly recommend them for all transfer tooling.

Toolroom Supervisor, Tier 1 Stamper

We really like using these long pilots. It saves us time in design not having to create a custom pilot/print, and SL has plenty of diameters and lifts to cover what we need.

Designer, Tooling Supplier

Our history

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